unpacking, sorting and vomit

It’s been a while since I’ve sat behind the keyboard to write what’s on my heart. It’s also been a while since I’ve stopped what I was doing long enough to think about what’s on my heart. Hell, it’s been a while since I’ve slowed down to realize that I don’t even know what’s going on in my own heart.

Writing has always been therapeutic for me. It’s how I sort out thoughts and unpack the things that I’ve been wrestling with. I’ve wrestled a lot the past year or so, but I haven’t slowed down enough to unpack and sort through the wrestling. So, there’s a lot of unpacking that I’ve got to do.

For the past year I have shifted gears drastically. I made a huge career change and I’ve become very successful in that. I believe that the Lord led me to that change and has blessed it. But within that blessing I have lost focus. I’ve been looking at the gift, and maybe I’ve lost focus on the Giver.

I’m going to enter into a season of focusing on the Giver and I would like for you to join with me… mostly in prayer. I’m going to use this time to sort through and unpack through this blog.

My goal is to have a focus that I haven’t had for years.

So here I could have erased everything that was just written and started over… but I think it’s a great testimony to how the Lord works. And just as the Lord often does, as I completed the sentence above…Elijah vomited. It was the perfect reminder that I’m not the same person that I used to be, I have 4 children, all at an age that require more of me than I’ve ever given. The Lord was quick to remind me that the years of focusing on the Giver were not in vain and the years of focusing on my children are just as important. There will be a chance to return to that level of focus but he has given me gifts that require care, the best way to honor Him is to honor them.

So with that, I will be continuing to write, and wrestle and unpack… but in a “live blogging” turn of events, I won’t be doing it with guilt. I’ll be doing it with a new perspective. I still ask that you pray for me as I do attempt to renew atleast portions of my former life, and integrate them into what I am now. But maybe also, pray that I do this all without a sense of guilt to be something that was another season, something that will probably return, something that I loved, but something that is ok to not have right now.


unpacking, sorting and vomit

There is a season – turn, turn, turn

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”

Ecclesiastes 3:1


Change isn’t always easy. Sometimes it’s hard to even talk about. As is the case here.


It’s no secret that The Harris Bunch has been through some difficult times over the past year. Our most recent one being Crystal’s recent eye surgery, and just to update on that as well; the biopsy came back with precancerous cells. She will be going back in 3 months for a follow up to see how things are progressing.

As a result of this I have had to reevaluate my personal life. I work a lot. Even when I’m home I’m working, or exhausted from being out late the night before. The past year has been the most difficult for my family and they have lived a majority of it without me.

I don’t say any of that without acknowledging the blessings. We have grown closer through these trials. I love the people I  work with and spend so much time with. I love the people that I meet. I love having the relationships with touring bands and having mini family reunions when they are in town. I love that when my family was in need there are people that I work with who helped us through. THERE IS A LOT TO BE THANKFUL FOR!!!!


Now that I’ve avoided to real subject for long enough;

In 2 weeks my role as staff at Rocketown will come to an end. I have accepted a fulltime position with Boswell’s Harley Davidson as their marketing manager for all of the stores in Nashville and the one in Cookeville. Crystal and I have been praying for a while now about what is best for our family. It’s time for a change.

My love for Rocketown will be the same. Once you are a part of that family, you are always a part of that family. My new schedule will allow me to make shows occasionally and still be connected with you guys and gals. The music industry is a part of who I am and that’s not going anywhere.

There’s an interesting thing that happens when something you love becomes a “job”. For the past 2 years I have worked in the music industry, a love of mine, but I have put such an unfair pressure on that to provide for me that I have forgotten the love. A few nights ago we had a huge show in the white building, and it was bitter sweet. I knew at that point that I was going to have to write this. I knew that I would not have that as a “norm” every week. Part of me was thankful, because if I weren’t there I would have been at home with my wife and kids, but the other part was beginning to mourn. I will also continue to work with bands via The Reflex Agency.

To avoid the risk of forgetting someone I’m not going to list everyone that I should thank. You know who you are. I will list the one person who likes to mentioned every chance he can…. Wes Breedwell (yes I did include your name in the search terms so next time you google yourself you can see this). Thanks for making me feel welcome after you made my job a living hell 😉 I am thankful for everyone that has been a part of this time. Each and everyone of you have shaped my Nashville experience for the better.

Life is a crazy journey, the last bit has been an epic tale. I’ve shared it with thousands… tens of thousands and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The next bit will be equally as epic, and I’m thankful that I will still be able to travel back to lands that were once foreign and have solace.


I will never be able to express my gratitude. I love you all.




There is a season – turn, turn, turn